What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is God’s written revelation to man and constitutes the only infallible, authoritative, and all-sufficient rule of faith and practice.

We believe that the Word of God is objective, propositional revelation, verbally inspired in every word, and is absolutely inerrant in the original documents.

We believe in a literal, grammatical-historical interpretation of all Scripture as genre prescribes. Therefore, affirming the belief that the opening chapters of Genesis present creation in six literal days, thereby refuting the theory of evolution.

We believe that there is but one living and true God, perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, eternally existing in three Persons—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—each equally deserving worship and obedience.

We believe in the deity and virgin birth of Jesus Christ, His incarnation and sacrificial death on the cross to redeem all who will believe on Him alone as Savior, His resurrection from the grave, His current role as sole mediator between God and man and His glorious second coming.

We believe that all men are sinners by nature, by choice, and by divine declaration thus incurring upon themselves the penalty of spiritual and physical death—becoming subjects to the wrath of God—and have in themselves no power to save themselves apart from God’s grace through the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that salvation is wholly a supernatural work of divine grace accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit through the instrumentality of the Word of God, and is an instantaneous transformation of the inner man and declaration of righteousness to all who, as result of divine regeneration, place their faith in Christ, repent of their sins, and confess Him as sovereign Lord. The genuineness of one’s salvation is then validated by the manifestation of fruits worthy of repentance as demonstrated in righteous character and conduct.

We believe that all who place their faith in Jesus Christ are immediately placed by the Holy Spirit into one united spiritual body, the church, the bride of Christ, and that the purpose of the church is to glorify God by building itself up in the faith by the instruction of the Word, by keeping the ordinances, and by advancing and communicating the gospel to the entire world. The formation of the church, the Body of Christ, began on the Day of Pentecost and will be completed at the coming of Christ for His own at the rapture.

We believe the Holy Spirit is the supernatural and sovereign Agent in regeneration who baptizes all believers into the body of Christ at the moment of salvation and that it is the duty of all believers to be filled with (controlled by) the Spirit. At salvation, the Holy Spirit bestows all His gifts upon believers for the perfecting and empowering of the saints for service. (The miracle of speaking in tongues and the working of sign miracles in the beginning days of the church were for the purpose of pointing to and authenticating the apostles as revealers of divine truth, and were never intended to be characteristic of the lives of believers). The Holy Spirit also indwells, sanctifies, instructs, restrains from sin, comforts, and seals believers unto the day of redemption.

We believe that all the redeemed receive a “divine nature”; a “new self”; a “new mind”; a “new will”; a “new nature”; and become a “new creature” in Christ. Consequently, genuine salvation is transformation of the inner person and is therefore not defective or short-lived, but rather a faith which will endure forever, protected by the power of God.

We believe that when Christians die, they pass immediately into the blessed presence of Christ, there to enjoy conscious fellowship with the Savior until the day of the resurrection and glorious transformation of the body. The saved will forever dwell in blissful fellowship with their great Triune God. We also believe that when unbelievers die they are consigned to hell, there to await the day of judgment when they shall be punished with eternal separation from the presence of God (Matthew 25:46; Luke 16:19-31; John 5:25-29; 1 Corinthians 15:35-58; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10; Philippians 1:19-26; 3:20-21; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-22:15).
We believe that the Kingdom of God came in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ, that it continues to expand by the ministry of the Holy Spirit through the Church, and that it will be consummated in the glorious, visible, and triumphant appearing of Christ when he returns to the earth as King. We believe that after Christ returns, he will bring about the ultimate defeat of Satan, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the eternal blessing of the righteous. At that time, the Kingdom of God will be completely fulfilled in the new heavens and the new earth, in which righteousness dwells and in which he will be worshipped forever (1 Corinthians 15:20-28,50-58; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1:3-12; Revelation 19:1-21).

We believe in the bodily resurrection of all men, the saved unto the resurrection of life and eternal glory and the unsaved to judgment and everlasting punishment.