
 “He Who calls you is faithful, & He will do it.” 

I Thess. 5:24

Children's church

Meets every Sunday morning (except 1st SUN of each month) during worship hour for kids age 4 yrs - 5th grade.
10AM in Fellowship Hall
Bible lessons, songs, & activities to teach kids about God & what it means to worship Him!
Guests are always welcome!

Teamkid & choir

Meets on Wednesday evenings- 6:00-7:15PM for kids age 4 yrs - 5th grade.
Features Bible Lessons, game time and Children's Choir!
Guests are always welcome!


Nursery is provided on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday Evenings for children from Birth to 3 years old.

Our Volunteers have all undergone background checks for your child's safety.